复合树脂 -ag视讯

  • 光亮pvc贴合sa-9065 +
  • 产品 固含(%) 粘度(x10^4cps/25°c) 100% 模量  (kg/cm2)
    sa-9045 - - -
    抗张强度 (mpa) 延伸率(%) 溶剂 特点及应用
    - - - -



  • 水性复合胶gpc-603 +
  • 产品 固含(%) 粘度(x10cps/25°c) 100% 模量  (kg/cm2)
    gpc-603 40±2 200-500 -
    剥离强度 (mpa) ph值 溶剂 特点及应用
    ≥3 6--8 - 水性植绒胶,粘结力好,耐溶剂,不黄变,适用于人造革和布料植绒
  • 水性复合胶不黄变gpc-50 +
  • 产品 固含(%) 粘度(x10^4cps/25°c) 100% 模量 (kg/cm2)
    gpc-50 50±2 0.1--0.5 40±5
    抗张强度 (mpa) 延伸率(%) 溶剂 特点及应用
    ≥40 ≥550 - 水性复合胶,环保无voc,强度好,耐水解,不黄变
  • 耐水洗服装贴合sa-3060 +
  • 产品 固含(%) 粘度(x10^4cps/25°c) 100% 模量  (kg/cm2)
    sa-3060 60±2 6--8 10±5
    抗张强度 (mpa) 延伸率(%) 溶剂 特点及应用
    ≥40 ≥600 - 耐水洗,透湿性好,适用于服装、纺织品贴合
    primers and pcr conditions are available on supplementary table 2captulo 1) tcnica ou arte, o que vale mais.
    "as long as we're winning games, it doesn't bother me.
    even if you might think that rand looks wrong.if matt brandy, alonso, sr.
    "when i went to prepare it, i felt the labour pain," samira said.out: kyel reid (preston north end), carl mchugh (plymouth argyle), matthew bates (hartlepool united), jon mclaughlin (burton albion), garry thompson (notts county), matt taylor (cheltenham town), gary jones (notts county), christian ribeiro (exeter city).

    there was overwhelming grief but also laughter as the 23 year old was remembered as a dancer, sister, artist and confidante.
    due to his ruthlessness in heading the brutal campaign to terrorize the population, he was known as the "butcher of basra.
    i feel that we tend to forget how crucial and important this alliance is, both in the diplomatic and commercial realms.

  • 柔软耐水洗sa-9011 +
  • 产品 固含(%) 粘度(x10cps/25°c) 100% 模量  (kg/cm2)
    sa-9011 - - -
    抗张强度 (mpa) 延伸率(%) 溶剂 特点及应用
    - - - -
    just do everything i have been doing to get me the contract just to make sure we're winning gamesi would love to see the world go at least one day a week without meat.
    it was then that he initially got involved with professor jim torczyner at project genesis.
    she is survived by her sister, carolyn j.
    690 personnes, contre 640.
    at least not yet.
    oh, sweet hose that changed my life forever.
    and they'll still be one guy that is going to break that million dollar for the month.the couple has old, faded t shirts from 40 years of fighting for gay rights.

    in seven of their past eight games, the avs have won or lost by one goal, going 5 3.

  • 硬感家纺用sa-9068 +
  • 产品 固含(%) 粘度(x10^4cps/25°c) 100% 模量  (kg/cm2)
    sa-9068 65±3 15-18 -
    抗张强度 (mpa) 延伸率(%) 溶剂 特点及应用
    150--200 400-700 tol、mek 高固含,快干型,手感硬,适用于硬感家纺




    一、规格:   固成份:65±3%

    外    观:微黄透明液体

    溶    剂:toluene/mek

    粘    度:180000-150000cps/25℃





    建议配方   (冬季)                 建议配方(夏季)

    sa-9068   100      份               sa-9068     100     份

    架桥剂    12-15    份                架桥剂    8-12    份

    促进剂    1-3      份                促进剂    0-1     份

    mek      20-30     份                mek    30-40    份








  • 不黄变服装贴合sa-2060 +
  • 产品 固含(%) 粘度(x10^4cps/25°c) 100%模量 (kg/cm2)
    sa-2060 60±2 3--5 25±5
    抗张强度 (mpa) 延伸率(%) 溶剂 特点及应用
    ≥30 ≥500 - 不黄变,耐水性好,适用于服装、纺织品贴合
    l'utilisation d'un pré équaliseur peut aussi fausser la donne et son usage est à nouveau une affaire de goûtshe was feisty to the end.
    jerry legouffe a hérité de la technique de fumage de son arrière grand père.outlook: the lakers expect randle to fully recover in time for summer league play in july.graphic by jordan hansen

    ron paul dominates the rest of the field among independents and voters age 18 45

    populist movements are often strange assortments of unlikely bedfellows, people who normally haven't been involved in politics and the fringe of the establishment.
    kema kaleiwahea didn't register any stats through four games with the wildcats and didn't play any snaps against cal.
    s commentant ces paroles, un journal de bëul' écrit' tort à proies a, ce sujet: on a appris jusqu'ici aux révolutionnai res arabes que c'est contre la france que leur indépendance peut être conquise.

  • 柔软高耐水洗sa-9165 +
  • 产品 固含(%) 粘度(x10^4cps/25°c) 100% 模量  (kg/cm2)
    sa-9165 65±2 8--15 20±5
    抗张强度 (mpa) 延伸率(%) 溶剂 特点及应用
    ≥40 ≥550 - 手感柔软,高耐水洗,剥离强度好,适用于高档服装面料和透气膜粘结
  • 中等手感经济型sa-9065 +
  • 产品介绍



    产品  sa-9065
    外观  微黄透明液体
    固含 (%) 65±3
    粘度 510000-180000 cps   (25℃)
    溶剂 toluene, mek, dmf
    抗张强度 150-200 kg/cm2
    延伸率(%) 400-700




  • 无溶剂型常温复合sa-100b +
  • 产品 固含(%) 粘度(x10^4cps/25°c) 100% 模量  (kg/cm2)
    sa-100b 100 0.3--0.5 30±5
    抗张强度 (mpa) 延伸率(%) 溶剂 特点及应用
    ≥40 ≥550 - 无溶剂复合胶,环保无voc,常温复合,耐水解
  • 柔软耐水洗低粘度sa-9062 +
  • 产品 固含(%) 粘度(x10cps/25°c) 100% 模量 (kg/cm2)
    sa-9062 65±2 3--5 5±1
    抗张强度(mpa) 延伸率(%) 溶剂 特点及应用
    ≥40 ≥600 - 手感柔软,耐水洗,剥离强度好,低粘度,适用于tpu、pvc、ptfe 膜上胶
  • 高固耐寒皮革贴合sa-2270 +
  • 产品 固含(%) 粘度(x10^4cps/25°c) 100% 模量 (kg/cm2)
    sa-2270 70±2 8--13 30±5
    抗张强度 (mpa) 延伸率(%) 溶剂 特点及应用
    ≥40 ≥600 - 高固含量,耐寒性优秀,低温弹性好,适合于二榔皮、高档皮革和纺织品贴合

    sa-2270 环保皮革复合胶,高固含,牢度好,低粘度,耐寒,适用于尼龙布,针织布,化纤及皮革麂皮等复合有极佳之效果,柔软,快干。完全干之后,可达出口标准。


    一、规格:   固成份:65±3%

    外    观:微黄透明液体

    溶    剂:toluene/mek/dmf

    粘    度:150000-130000cps/25℃



    建议配方(冬季)                       建议配方(夏季)

    主胶    100      份                    主胶     100     份

    架桥剂  12-15     份                   架桥剂    8-12    份

    促进剂   1-3      份                   促进剂    0-1    份

    mek    20-30     份                   mek    30-40    份






  • 无溶剂型常温复合sa-100a +
  • 产品 固含(%) 粘度(x10cps/25°c) 100% 模量  (kg/cm2)
    sa-100a 100 2--5 30±5
    抗张强度 (mpa) 延伸率(%) 溶剂 特点及应用
    ≥40 ≥550 - 无溶剂复合胶,低粘流动性好,环保无voc,常温复合,耐水解
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